
- Introduction to event
- Survey of progress in zero knowledge proofs towards trustless snarks
- Threshold scriptless scripts
- Bitml
- Zkvm
- Scriptless lotteries
- Txprobe
- Bandwidth-Efficient Transaction Relay for Bitcoin
- Bip securethebag
- Elastic block caps
- Scaling oblivious read write
- Private information retrieval
- Zerolink sudoku
- Prism
- Backpackers
- Atomic multi channel updates
- Plasma cash
- Anonymous atomic locks
- Payment channel recovery with seeds
- Proof of necessary work
- Proof of verification for proof of work
- Secure fountain architecture
- WIP: Optical Proof of Work
- WIP: A lucas critique of the difficulty adjusmtent algorithm of the bitcoin system
- WIP: Offline transactions
- WIP: Conditional Transfer of Tokens on Top of Bitcoin
- WIP: Storm: layer 2/3 storage and messaging
- WIP: Building ultra-light clients with SNARKs
- WIP: Signet
- WIP: Miniscripts
- WIP: Vaults